


Aims and Scope

Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering (CROJFE) is a refereed journal distributed internationally, publishing original research articles concerning forest engineering, both theoretical and empirical. The journal covers all aspects of forest engineering research, ranging from basic to applied subjects. In addition to research articles, preliminary research notes and subject reviews are published.


Journal Subjects and Fields

  1. Harvesting systems and technologies

  2. Forest biomass and carbon sequestration

  3. Forest road network planning, management and construction

  4. System organization and forest operations

  5. IT technologies and remote sensing

  6. Engineering in urban forestry

  7. Vehicle/machine design and evaluation

  8. Modelling and sustainable management

  9. Eco-efficient technologies in forestry

  10. Ergonomics and work safety


CROJFE is an Open Access journal and allows reuse and remixing of contents in accordance with a Creative Commons licence (CC BY) permitting users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself as long as they credit the Journal for the original creation.

CROJFE uses digital archiving policy of the National and University Library in Zagreb as well as Hrčak - Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals.


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technlogy
"Croatian forests" Ltd. Zagreb



Publishing of this journal is co-financed by funds from Croatian Ministry of Science and Education


Publishing Council:
Nediljko Dujić, Andreja Đuka, Josip Margaletić, Tibor Pentek, Tomislav Poršinsky (all from Croatia)


Circulation: cca 650 


All published papers have been internationally reviewed.
Two issues of the journal are published annually.
Journal volumes from 1 to 25 were published under the title "Mehanizacija šumarstva".


Web of Science Impact factor (2023): 2.7
Five-years impact factor: 2.3

Quartile: Q1 - Forestry

Subject area

Agricultural and Biological Sciences

