

Volume 29 No. 2

110 Years of University Forestry Education in the Republic of Croatia (p.109-112)

volume: 29, issue: 2

Evaluation of the Feller-Buncher Moipu 400E for Energy Wood Harvesting (p.117-128)

volume: 29, issue: 2

Harvesting Short-Rotation Poplar Plantations for Biomass Production (p.129-139)

volume: 29, issue: 2

Damage to Young Forest Due to Harvesting in Shelterwood Systems (p.141-153)

volume: 29, issue: 2

Growth of Pedunculate Oak Seedlings under Soil Contamination by Mineral and Biodegradable Oils (p.155-162)

volume: 29, issue: 2

GIS-Based Decision-Support Program for Planning and Analyzing Short-Wood Transport in Russia (p.163-175)

volume: 29, issue: 2

Predicting Wood Skidding Direction on Steep Terrain by DEM and Forest Road Network Extension (p.177-188)

volume: 29, issue: 2

Accuracy Analysis of GPS Positioning Near the Forest Environment (p.189-199)

volume: 29, issue: 2

Artificial Neural Networks in the Assessment of Stand Parameters from an IKONOS Satellite Image (p.201-211)

volume: 29, issue: 2


Web of Science Impact factor (2023): 2.7
Five-years impact factor: 2.3

Quartile: Q1 - Forestry

Subject area

Agricultural and Biological Sciences

