

Instructions for Authors

Please bear in mind that the editorial and review work will be considerably easier and faster if you carefully read and follow these instructions when preparing your work. 


Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering (CROJFE) publishes previously unpublished scientific papers from the field of forest engineering which arise both on the basis of theoretical or empirical insights. Research phenomena in forest engineering, from general to applied have been covered thematically. 


CROJFE publishes three types of papers. These include: original scientific papers, review papers and preliminary notes. All three types of papers, together with all attachments (tables, graphs, pictures...) should take up no more than 14 printed pages in the journal. That is approximately 10 000 words. For each non-textual attachment (table or picture), the maximum number of words should be reduced to 250. 


Review / Referee
All works are reviewed internationally. As a rule, two or more reviewers independently review the received papers using editorial instructions and the received review forms. 
Authors should suggest at least four potential referees with the appropriate expertise working outside authors' institution, with whom they have not been co-authors in recent years. When submitting your work, please provide for the suggested referees as detailed contact information as possible (affiliation, homepage, phone, e-mail address).

The chief editor decides on reviewers, contacts them, collects their reports and if the need arises, adds his or her notes to theirs. As a rule, the reviewers of each paper are the leading experts in the field that the paper to be published deals with. The final decision on whether the paper is accepted for publishing in the journal is determined by the chief editor. 
Reviews will be completed in shortest time possible.


English corrections
This journal is published in English, so it is essential that for proper refereeing and quick publication all manuscripts are submitted in grammatically correct English. For this purpose we ask that non-native English speakers ensure their manuscripts are checked before submitting them for consideration. We suggest that for this purpose your manuscript is revised by an English speaking colleague before submission. 


Plagiarism policy
The Editorial Board of this journal enforces a rigorous peer-review process to ensure high-quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. The Editorial Board of CROJFE takes publishing ethics issues, such as cases of plagiarism, data falsification, image manipulation, inappropriate authorship credit etc.; very seriously and will proceed in such cases with a zero tolerance policy.



CROJFE is an Open Access journal and allows reuse and remixing of contents in accordance with a Creative Commons 4.0 licence (CC BY) permitting users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself as long as they credit the Journal for the original creation.

If your article is accepted for publication we require you to read and accept the Copyright Agreement in order to expedite publication process, ensure widest dissemination and protection against infringement.

By accepting this agreement, contributors (authors) warrant that the entire work is original and unpublished; it is submitted only to this journal and all text, data, figures/tables or other illustrations included in the work are completely original and unpublished, and these have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere in any form or media whatsoever. The agreement should be confirmed by at least one of the authors, who agrees to inform the others if any.

The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions as long as they credit the journal for the original creation (e.g. Originally published in CROJFE. Author(s). Year. Title. Vol: pp-pp.).


Manuscript submission
Manuscripts should be submitted online at Submit your Article by registering and logging in to this website. Entire manuscript, together with all attachments (tables, graphs, pictures...) and structure as stated in 'CROJFE_template' should be uploaded as the main document. All attachments should also be uploaded in separate, additional files. Raster pictures (e.g. photos) must be of high quality, minimum 400 dpi resolution and of sufficient dimensions for printing. If there are drawings, graphs, diagrams and similar, their originals in vector format are required.


Web of Science Impact factor (2023): 2.7
Five-years impact factor: 2.3

Quartile: Q1 - Forestry

Subject area

Agricultural and Biological Sciences

