volume: 39, issue: 1
volume: 45, issue:
Harvested timber requires efficient and accurate measurements for timber trade. Recently, the amount of timber that is harvested for industrial purposes is growing and methods for roundwood measurements are under constant development. Some of these solutions are with certification confirming its accuracy, some of them are proposed for general use without certification. The aim of this paper was to select the best and most useful electronic solution for timber volume masurement and calculation, and to recommend the most effective and accurate solution for future timber trade. Three photo-optical systems were tested: LogStackPro, iFovea and Timbeter. Each system was used to measure 71 stacks of pine and oak roundwood, which amounted to 3481.15 cubic meter stacked. Timber volumes obtained from the manual measurements were used as reference. Volumes obtained from the photo-optical systems were larger in comparison with the volume from manual measurements, by 3.37, 8.07 and 9.08%, in LogStackPro, iFovea and Timbeter, respectively. It was concluded from the tested systems that, currently, the most recommended solution for timber measurement will be LogStack Pro, which also presented, in most cases, the smallest deviations from the volume obtained in manual measurements.