

Volume 32 No. 1
Current issues:Volume 32 No. 1Latest papersMore

Volume 32 No. 1

International Year of Forests in the Light of the 50th Anniversary of Close Collaboration of Forestry Science and Profession

volume: 32, issue: 1

The impact of Site Changes and Management Methods on Dieback of Common Spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in Croatia

volume: 32, issue: 1

Natural Regeneration of Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Stands Using Small Scale Shelterwood System

volume: 32, issue: 1

Ecological and Biological Properties of Holm Oak (Quercus ilex L.) on the Island of Rab

volume: 32, issue: 1

Spatial Analysis of Pedunculate Oak Mortallity Rate for Adaptive Forest Ecosystem Management in Croatia

volume: 32, issue: 1

Correlation of Habitat and Structural Factors with Dieback and Nutrition of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Gorski Kotar

volume: 32, issue: 1

Vegetation and Structural Features of Norway Spruce Stands (Picea abies Karst.) in the Virgin Forest of Smrčeve Doline in Northen Velebit

volume: 32, issue: 1

A Contribution to the Knowledge of Composition and Classification of Holm Oak Forests in Istria

volume: 32, issue: 1

The Impact of Technical and Biological Measures on Soil and Erosion Dynamics in the Research Site of Abrami

volume: 32, issue: 1

Pedophysiographic Features and Heavy Metal Content (Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu) in Spruce Forests of Northern Velebit and Štirovača

volume: 32, issue: 1

Flammability and Combustibility of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) Stands

volume: 32, issue: 1

Impact on Site and Development of Black Pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold) Forest Cultures in the Submediterannean Karst Area

volume: 32, issue: 1

Phenological Asynchronization as a Restrictive Factor of Efficient Pollination in Clonal Seed Orchads of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.)

volume: 32, issue: 1

Vegetation Fetures of Beech Forests of Psunj, Papuk and Krndija Mountains

volume: 32, issue: 1

Estimation of Genetic Parameters in Open Pollinated Progeny Trials from Plus Trees of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) Selected in Posavina and Podravina and Podunavlje Seed Zones

volume: 32, issue: 1

Dendrological and Horticultural Value of Lisičine Arboretum

volume: 32, issue: 1

Protection of Oak Stands from Powdery Mildew (Microsphaera alphitoides Griff. et Maubl.)

volume: 32, issue: 1

Overwintering of Eight Toothed Spruce Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) in Spruce Forests of North Velebit

Infestation of Common Mistletoe and Nutrition Status of Silver Fir in Gorski Kotar (Croatia)

volume: 32, issue: 1

Morphological parameters of the fat dormouse (Glis glis L.) in the forests of Gorski kotar

volume: 32, issue: 1

Breeding of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus L.) in Fenced Controlled Condition of Šeprešhat

volume: 32, issue: 1

Initial Results of Research into Brown Bear Timber Damage (Ursus arctos) in Silver Fir (Abies alba) Forests in Croatia

volume: 32, issue: 1

Impact of Stand, Site and Structural Characteristics on Stand Regeneration Planning in Pedunculate Oak Forests

volume: 32, issue: 1

Dynamics of Establishing the Selection Structure in Beech-Fir Stands on Papuk

volume: 32, issue: 1

Efficiency of Inventory in Uneven-Aged Forests on Sample Plots with Different Radii

volume: 32, issue: 1

Features of Spatial Snag Distribution in a Beech-Fir Forest

volume: 32, issue: 1

Assessment of Stand Structural Elements on the Basis of Spectral Reflectance Values of an IKONOS Satellite Image

volume: 32, issue: 1

Ecoefficient Timber Forwarding Based on Nominal Ground Pressure Analysis

volume: 32, issue: 1

Influence of Load Volume on Productivity of Skidding Euro-American Poplar Stems with Tractor Timberjack 240C in Lowland Forests

volume: 32, issue: 1

Aboveground Biomass of Silver Fir, European Larch and Black Pine

volume: 32, issue: 1

Axle Load Determination of Truck with Trailer and Truck with Semitrailer for Wood Transportation

volume: 32, issue: 1

Environmental Viability of Two Methods of Mechanized Forest Residues Management

volume: 32, issue: 1

Primary Forest Opening of Different Relief Areas in the Republic of Croatia

volume: 32, issue: 1

Possibilities of Application of Relative Openness in Secondary Forest Opening of Slope Forests in Croatia

volume: 32, issue: 1

Forestry at the EU's Doorstep ? How Much are We Ready in the Area of Occupational Safety in Forestry?

Planning and Decision Making Models in Forestry

volume: 32, issue: 1

Implementation of Cost Calculation Model in Forest Evaluation of Požega Forest Administration

volume: 32, issue: 1


Web of Science Impact factor (2023): 2.7
Five-years impact factor: 2.3

Quartile: Q1 - Forestry

Subject area

Agricultural and Biological Sciences

